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Bluetooth-enabled Hearing Aids

Bluetooth-enabled Hearing Aids

0% Financing on Hearing Aids | Most Insurance Accepted

0% Financing on Hearing Aids

Most Insurance Accepted

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Bluetooth-enabled Hearing Aids

Hearing aid developers are always searching for ways to make hearing aids better and more useful for people. Bluetooth, for example, allows individuals to connect their hearing aids to various devices for improved sound directly from the source.

Hearing aids that are Bluetooth-enabled can be wirelessly connected to a variety of devices, including televisions, cell phones, tablets, and FM radios, via a wireless streaming accessory. Similar to wireless Internet, Bluetooth technology sends sounds through an invisible electronic signal.

In general, Bluetooth is compatible with most hearing aid styles, including behind-the-ear aids (BTE), mini-BTE aids, in-the-ear aids (ITE), and in-the-canal aids (ITC), but different manufacturers offer different Bluetooth-enabled accessories and products.

Bluetooth Hearing Aids Benefits

Like any hearing aid, Bluetooth-compatible devices have some benefits and drawbacks. Using wireless technology with your hearing aids allows you to enjoy better sound quality on your favorite electronic devices. They are like a wireless pair of headphones: they are convenient, cordless, and deliver high-quality sound.

For hearing aid users, wireless connectivity makes it easier to access various technologies daily. For the tech-savvy user, making phone calls, using a tablet or computer, listening to music, and even watching TV at home can be enjoyable experiences. With Bluetooth, you can customize the volume of different technologies and adjust it through your hearing aids or using an app. 

Considerations for Bluetooth Hearing Aids

Depending on the type of hearing aid you use and how it has been set by your hearing specialist, the microphone inside the hearing aid may be turned on or off when a Bluetooth-compatible device streams audio to the device. You may not hear other environmental sounds around you during use, which should be taken into account before connecting.

You may need some help from your hearing healthcare professional or technology-savvy friend because Bluetooth-compatible hearing aids do require some simple setup steps before they can work with electronic devices. The Bluetooth signal from the electronic device or mobile phone is converted by a transmitter that is understood by the hearing aid. The Bluetooth signal will not reach the hearing aids if the transmitter is out of range.

Before choosing a Bluetooth-compatible hearing aid and accessory, it is important to consider how often they will be connected to devices like cell phones, televisions, and radios. 

If you are interested in Bluetooth-compatible hearing aids, speak with one of our hearing specialists. Tell us what kinds of listening situations you encounter each day and what types of devices you use. If necessary, we can show you a hearing aid and the streaming device, and experience a real-time demonstration. Let us know how Bluetooth-compatible hearing aids could enhance your daily interactions with the world.

Get More Info about Bluetooth-enabled Hearing Aid Today

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(618) 242-0672

(618) 242-0672

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David J. Lane, Au. D., CCC-A

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