“Striving to give our patients the attention and care they deserve.”

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(618) 242-0672
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Ste C
Mount Vernon , IL 62864
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Facts About Hearing Loss

Types of Hearing Loss

0% Financing on Hearing Aids | Most Insurance Accepted

0% Financing on Hearing Aids

Most Insurance Accepted

(618) 242-0672
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Hours: Closed • Opens Mon 8:30 am

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Learn About Kinds of Hearing Loss

At David J. Lane, Au. D., CCC-A, we treat many different kinds of hearing loss. The safest way to determine if you have a hearing loss is to visit your trusted audiologist for a hearing evaluation. We can work with you in determining the best treatment option for your hearing loss. Call us today to schedule an appointment.

Sensorineural Hearing Loss

Occurs when microscopic hair cells within the organ of Corti are damaged. Unfortunately, once damaged, they no longer regenerate.
  • Is permanent and sometimes preventable
  • Is the most common form of hearing loss
  • Can affect people of all ages
  • A high-frequency hearing loss of this type can indicate aging and/or noise exposure (noise-induced hearing loss)
  • Does not have any medical or surgical treatment options, in most cases
  • Hearing aids are the primary treatment
  • A cochlear implant may be considered for patients with severe or profound cases of this form of hearing loss

Conductive Hearing Loss

Happens when the sound waves are unable to reach the inner ear. It usually involves a reduction in sound level or the ability to hear faint sounds, which can often be corrected medically or surgically.

Blockage in the ear canal from:
  • Ear wax (cerumen) build-up
  • A foreign object
  • Fluid occupying the middle ear space, often due to an ear infection, called otitis media
  • Infection in the ear canal
  • Allergies
  • Perforated eardrum
  • Benign tumors

Mixed Hearing Loss

Involves both sensorineural and conductive hearing loss components, or as a result of a damage in the middle or outer ear, or the inner ear and the auditory nerve.

Noise-Induced Hearing Loss

Noise levels or loudness are measured in decibels (dB). Any loud noise over 85dB is considered loud enough to cause NIHL. NIHL is hearing loss as a result of prolonged or sudden exposure to loud noise. When our ears are exposed to levels of noise over 85 dB, the tiny hair cells in our cochlea can become disorganized and damaged from too much and too harsh of vibrations. Once the hair cells break, they will never grow back, this causes hearing loss. To treat NIHL, visit an audiologist.

Configuration of Hearing Loss

The configuration of hearing loss is the degree of hearing loss across frequencies. As an example, hearing loss that only affects high tones is described as a high-frequency loss. Its configuration would show good hearing in the low tones and poor hearing in the high tones.
  • Bilateral versus unilateral. Bilateral — hearing loss in both ears. Unilateral — hearing loss in one ear.
  • Symmetrical versus asymmetrical. Symmetrical — the degree of hearing loss is the same on both ears. Asymmetrical — the degree of hearing loss is different in each ear.
  • Progressive versus sudden hearing loss. Progressive means that hearing loss becomes worse over time. Sudden means hearing loss that happens quickly. Such a hearing loss requires immediate medical attention to determine its cause and treatment.
  • Fluctuating versus stable hearing loss. Fluctuating means hearing loss that changes over time — sometimes getting better, sometimes getting worse.

Levels of Noise in Decibels (dB)

  • 30 dB — whisper
  • 60 dB — normal conversation or a dishwasher
  • 70 dB — vacuum cleaner
  • 80 dB — alarm Clock
  • 90 dB — hair dryer or lawn mower
  • 100 dB — MP3 players at full volume
  • 110 dB — concerts and sporting events
  • 130 dB — ambulance

Get Treatment for Hearing Loss

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(618) 242-0672

(618) 242-0672

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David J. Lane, Au. D., CCC-A

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